About the Society
The Pure Watercolour Society is a small and informal society for painters in watercolour who enjoy using the medium in pure transparent washed allied to fine draftsmanship in the method exemplified by the 19th century masters, such as John Sell Cotman, Richard Parkes Bonington, David Cox, Thomas Girtin and J.M.W. Turner, and as followed in the 20th century by, among others, Edward Seago, Edward Wesson, Charles Knight and James Fletcher-Watson.
The PWS was founded in 1999 with James Fletcher-Watson R.I., R.B.A. as its President and driving force. James believed passionately in passing on the pure watercolour tradition: “The great masters showed us the way and it is right that we should follow in their footsteps, not copying but receiving inspiration from them. My aim is to carry on the torch, encouraging today’s painters to express the beauty of the landscape simply and effectively.”
Following James’s death in 2004, David Curtis R.O.I., R.S.M.A. - one of Britain’s most successful artists - kindly agreed to become Patron of the PWS. Trevor Chamberlain and David Howell, are also highly respected watercolour artists and supporters of the PWS, as well as the latest recruit, international artist Andy Evansen. Other members are regular tutors at Windrush Art Courses, passing on skills and techniques to students of watercolour painting so that this exciting and challenging medium can be enjoyed and mastered by the next generation. The society has hosted many successful exhibitions at Windrush House, and continues to organised demonstrations and Paint Out events.
The PWS is not looking to expand, but is keeping James’s watercolour tradition alive through the varied programme of courses at windrushartcourses.co.uk.
The Members
James Fletcher-Watson | Past Patron | |
David Curtis | Patron | www.djcurtis.co.uk |
Trevor Chamberlain | Honorary Member | |
David Howell | Member | www.davidhowell.co.uk |
Josephine Neil | Secretary | |
Andrew Hucklesby | Member | www.andrewhucklesby.co.uk |
Winston Oh | Member | www.winstonoh.com |
Paul Weaver | Member | www.paulweaverart.co.uk |
Peter Cronin | Member | www.petercronin.co.uk |
Chris Robinson | Member | www.chrisrobinsonwatercolour.com |
Andy Evensen | Member | www.evansenartstudio.com |
Steve Hall | Member | www.stevehallartist.co.uk |
Ian Piper | Member |